
Feastival Taranaki is created by the Taranaki Culinary Action Group (TCAG). This group is formed of local food and beverage producers, restauranteurs, and event professionals who are passionate about this region, the food that we produce here and the people who bring it to our table. TCAG is co-chaired by Suzanne Porter and Jessica Parker with members Lara Toyne, Jules van Costello and Maria Lampriere.

We are working hard to ensure that Taranaki is known as a food and beverage destination and around the mountain experience with limited food miles, including producers, restaurants, cafes and bars, venues and accommodation providers.

For all enquiries please email Rachel at rachel@feastival.co.nz.


Taranaki is truly a vibrant region “Like No Other.” For all regional information and accommodation options visit –https://www.taranaki.co.nz/